Welcome to our blog. I've spent considerable time pondering whether the redesign of our website should include a section for blog entries.

What prompted this reflection? There are so many ways and places nowadays to write and share written thoughts. I've occasionally engaged in this, and some entries from here will likely appear on social platforms as well. However, I longed for a space free from the usual social expectations and scrutiny—a place genuinely ours, where we can be ourselves, and where we can welcome those interested in what matters to us.

Here, we welcome you without the expectation that you'll find everything to your liking. Engage with what intrigues you and feel free to skip what doesn't align with your tastes or interests. If something resonates or doesn't, we're eager to hear from you at office@lconglobal.com.

We value your thoughts, whether they echo our own or offer completely different perspectives. We appreciate diverse viewpoints and the enriching conversations they inspire, particularly those that are live (whether face-to-face or online). These interactions enable us to capture the nuances of facial expressions, body language, and vocal tones that written comments alone may not convey, fostering a deeper understanding, encouraging further questions, and enriching dialogues.

Our primary contributor is Leda, but you'll also find contributions from other authors.

Leda’s Philosophy on Blogging:

To me, writing is akin to verbal photography. Just as photography can be both an art form and a casual way to capture life's moments, writing enables me to preserve memories, realizations, thoughts, or questions as I explore and refine them. It's a means to share something significant, meaningful, or potentially helpful to someone, if encountered at the right moment. While I can't control this timing, I trust in life's twists and synchronicities to bring writers and readers together.

Writing serves many purposes:

  • It helps us remember, by jotting down insights from others or noting our own reflections.
  • It aids in clarifying thoughts, fostering learning, exploration, and understanding.
  • It's a means of communication, sharing ideas and stories.
  • Writing for oneself, like journaling, or sharing personal journeys can be therapeutic.
  • It can be used for self-coaching, a topic I've explored academically and will discuss in upcoming posts.
  • Ultimately, writing is a form of artistic and personal expression.

The blog posts in this section will address several of the functions mentioned above.

I aim to create content that strikes a balance between clarity and depth, weaves simplicity with philosophical and academic insight, remains grounded in authenticity, and is conveyed with love and lightness.